EN GJL 100 Cast iron, gray, flake graphite, Mechanical Properties | Modulus Metal | Supplier | Foundry | Sand Casting | Investment Casting | Machining | Products | in TURKEY

EN GJL 100 Mechanical Properties

EN GJL 100 Cast iron, gray, flake graphite, Mechanical Properties
Young’s modulus * 80 – 100 GPa
Flexural modulus * 80 – 100 GPa
Shear modulus * 31 – 40 GPa
Bulk modulus * 54 – 71 GPa
Poisson’s ratio 0.255 – 0.265
Shape factor 25
Yield strength (elastic limit) 65 – 98 MPa
Tensile strength 100 – 200 MPa
Compressive strength * 130 – 200 MPa
Flexural strength (modulus of rupture) * 75 – 115 MPa
Elongation * 0.5 – 0.7 % strain
Hardness – Vickers 90 – 216 HV
Fatigue strength at 10^7 cycles 40 – 68 MPa
Fatigue strength model (stress range) * 22.2 – 61.4 MPa
Parameters: Stress Ratio = 0, Number of Cycles = 1e7
Fracture toughness * 20 – 24 MPa.m^0.5
Mechanical loss coefficient (tan delta) 0.01 – 0.035
*Values are approximations. This information’s accuracy is not guaranteed.
BS EN 1561:1997EN GJL 100
BS 1542:1990BS Grade 100
UNS NumberF11401
DIN WNr0.6010
DIN 1691GG10
EN GJL 100 Cast Iron Designation
Mechanical Properties Cast Iron Yield Tensile Compressive Hardness Rockwell Vicker Young Modulus Metal in Turkey Foundry Supplier Sand Casting Investment Casting