EN GJN HV600 (XCr14) Mechanical Properties, former BS 3B, Cast iron, white, high-chromium alloy

EN GJN HV600 (XCr14) Mechanical Properties,
former BS 3B
Young’s modulus165220GPa
Specific stiffness21.128.3MN.m/kg
Yield strength (elastic limit)*300450MPa
Tensile strength300450MPa
Specific strength*38.457.8kN.m/kg
Elongation*12% strain
Compressive strength*500900MPa
Flexural modulus*165220GPa
Flexural strength (modulus of rupture)720920MPa
Shear modulus6487GPa
Bulk modulus119167GPa
Poisson’s ratio0.270.28 
Shape factor23  
Hardness – Vickers*510760HV
Elastic stored energy (springs)*240523kJ/m^3
Fatigue strength at 10^7 cycles*120180MPa
Fatigue strength model (stress range)*97.8221MPa
EN GJN HV600 (XCr14) Mechanical Properties, former BS 3B

Values marked with * are approximate.
No guarantee is provided regarding the accuracy of this information.