EN GJN HV350, former BS 1B, Mechanical Properties, Cast iron, white, low alloy


BS EN 12513:2011 EN GJN HV350 (former BS 1B). Record based on BS 4844:1986 BS grade 1B.


EN GJN HV350, former BS 1B, Mechanical Properties, Cast iron, white, low alloy:

EN GJN HV350, former BS 1B,
Mechanical Properties
Young’s modulus*185215GPa
Specific stiffness*2428MN.m/kg
Yield strength (elastic limit)*230460MPa
Tensile strength230460MPa
Specific strength*29.959.8kN.m/kg
Elongation*12% strain
Compressive strength*500900MPa
Flexural modulus*185215GPa
Flexural strength (modulus of rupture)310540MPa
Shear modulus*7285GPa
Bulk modulus*134163GPa
Poisson’s ratio0.270.28 
Shape factor23.8  
Hardness – Vickers390455HV
Elastic stored energy (springs)*145486kJ/m^3
Fatigue strength at 10^7 cycles*90185MPa
Fatigue strength model (stress range)
Parameters: Stress Ratio = -1, Number of Cycles = 1e7cycles
EN GJN HV350, former BS 1B, Mechanical Properties, Cast iron, white, low alloy

Standards with similar compositions:

China:Normal chill spheroidal graphite to GB/T 1504
India:Grade 2 to IS 7925
UK:1B to BS 4844

Typical uses

Abrasion resistant components.