EN GJL 200 Cast iron, gray, flake graphite, Mechanical Properties |
Young’s modulus 103 – 120 GPa |
Flexural modulus * 103 – 120 GPa |
Shear modulus 40 – 48 GPa |
Bulk modulus 70 – 86 GPa |
Poisson’s ratio 0.255 – 0.265 |
Shape factor 25 |
Yield strength (elastic limit) 130 – 143 MPa |
Tensile strength 200 – 300 MPa |
Compressive strength * 260 – 290 MPa |
Flexural strength (modulus of rupture) * 150 – 170 MPa |
Elongation * 0.25 – 0.5 % strain |
Hardness – Vickers 125 – 285 HV |
Fatigue strength at 10^7 cycles 58 – 99 MPa |
Fatigue strength model (stress range) * 40.1 – 81.2 MPa Parameters: Stress Ratio = 0, Number of Cycles = 1e7 |
Fracture toughness * 18 – 22 MPa.m^0.5 |
Mechanical loss coefficient (tan delta) 0.01 – 0.035 |
*Values are approximations. This information’s accuracy is not guaranteed. |