EN GJS 400 18 U Cast iron, nodular graphite, Mechanical Properties | Modulus Metal | Supplier | Foundry | Sand Casting | Investment Casting | Machining | Products | in TURKEY

EN GJS 400 18 U Cast iron, nodular graphite, Mechanical Properties
Young’s modulus 165 – 173 GPa
Flexural modulus * 165 – 173 GPa
Shear modulus 64 – 69 GPa
Bulk modulus 119 – 132 GPa
Poisson’s ratio 0.27 – 0.28
Shape factor 24
Yield strength (elastic limit) 232 – 259 MPa
Tensile strength 370 – 400 MPa
Compressive strength * 246 – 273 MPa
Flexural strength (modulus of rupture) 232 – 259 MPa
Elongation * 17 – 28 % strain
Hardness – Vickers 124 – 140 HV
Fatigue strength at 10^7 cycles 186 – 195 MPa
Fatigue strength model (stress range) * 118 – 137 MPa
Parameters: Stress Ratio = 0, Number of Cycles = 1e7
Fracture toughness 33 – 54 MPa.m^0.5
Mechanical loss coefficient (tan delta) * 0.0016 – 0.002
*Values are approximations. This information’s accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sand Casting Investment Casting Foundry Gray Ductile Nodular Products Parts Manufacturing Machining CNC Supplier in Turkey Turkei